1/19/22 new blog please move over to it

Hi to everyone who have been reading and looking at photos and supporting this blog over the years.

After trying for days to even upload posts with no photos and looking online for answers to how to post my photos and fix the problem, I realized/learned that you can go over the allotted storage on your site/blog. Here is the new address for the new blog, entitled, “Six Things For Breakfast”:

Please come over and check it out and continue following me and reading. I’m trying to have a positive attitude and my goal is to do the hashtags and tags on each post rather than allowing ADHD to control and skip that step and see if it is useful. Please be patient with the look of the blog as I haven’t had time to set it up to look good, but I want to continue writing every day.

Here is the new blog address that I was able to do from the choices given.


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